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Additional NAS Mounts

If you have more than 1 network share you want to mount, set nas_client_use_additional_paths in inventory/group_vars/all/nas_additional.yml to yes

List of Variables

Use the below variables to create a list of mappings in the nas_client_remote_additional_paths variable in inventory/group_vars/all/nas_additional.yml.

Confused? See the Example below, a version of it already exists in inventory/group_vars/all/nas_additional.yml so just modify that.

Local Folder

  • name: Friendly name of the path
  • local_mount_path: Local path to the folder
  • type: Type of path, valid: local

NFS Share Variables

  • name: Friendly name of the path
  • remote_path: Remote path to the folder
  • local_mount_path: Local path to where it will be mounted
  • type: Type of path, valid: nfs
  • nfs_opts: NFS options, default: defaults

CIFS Share Variables

  • name: Friendly name of the path
  • remote_path: Remote path to the folder
  • local_mount_path: Local path to where it will be mounted
  • type: Type of path, valid: cifs
  • cifs_username: CIFS username, default: ""
  • cifs_password: CIFS password, default: ""
  • cifs_opts: CIFS options, default: rw,soft


Below is an example configuration that defines both an NFS mount (the first) and a CIFS mount (the second) that also uses the default mounting location defined in the variable hms_docker_mount_path in file inventory/group_vars/all/main.yml

name: "Media 4K",
remote_path: "",
local_mount_path: "{{ hms_docker_mount_path }}/Media_4k",
type: nfs,
nfs_opts: "rw,defaults"
name: "Media NAS 3",
remote_path: "//",
local_mount_path: "{{ hms_docker_mount_path }}_custom_path_3",
type: cifs,
cifs_username: "insecureusername",
cifs_password: "veryinsecurepassword",
cifs_opts: "rw,soft",