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File/Directory Layout

By default, the content is in the following directory structure, if you wish to change the install location, you must change the hms_docker_data_path variable in inventory/group_vars/all/hmsd_advanced.yml

Generated compose file location: /opt/hms-docker/docker-compose.yml

Container data directory: /opt/hms-docker/apps/<container>

Default mount path for local share (known as the mount_path in this readme): /opt/hms-docker/media_data/

Media folder that contains movie and tv show folders (known as the media_path in this readme): <mount_path>/_library

Movie folder: <media_path>/Movies

TV Show folder: <media_path>/TV_Shows

Secrets file (where sensitive key material is stored, other than the ansible variable files in inventory/group_vars/all): /opt/hms-docker/.env

  • This files default ownership and permissions requires you to enter the sudo/root password every time you run a docker compose command within the project directory

    • If you wish to get around this (and reduce security), you can change the secrets_env_user, secrets_env_group, and secrets_env_mode within the inventory/group_vars/all/hmsd_advanced.yml file

    • These recommended values (if you wish to do this) will allow all users with docker access to read the file, and thus run docker compose commands without needing to run as sudo/root, but will not allow them to modify.

      • secrets_env_user: root

      • secrets_env_group: docker

      • secrets_env_mode: 0640

File Paths

As of release Version 0.2, file paths were changed in order to support hardlinks and instant/atomic-moves.

Application configs (Sonarr, Radarr, Plex, etc.) are stored in /opt/hms-docker/apps/<app name>/config by default.

Network drives will be mounted to a folder within the path specified in the hms_docker_mount_path variable in inventory/group_vars/all/main.yml. The parent directory of all the mounted folders (hms_docker_mount_path) is what is mounted to the required containers on /data.

Hard links are supported as long as the downloads folder and media content folder are on the same filesystem. This means if you have another NAS network share connected that is on a different underlying file system (like a different physical NAS) that you want to put media content on, you must change the download client to download files to that NAS share folder within the container.

If you were running the playbook before versioning was implemented (August 2024) and then update your local code with the new code in the repo, you will be prompted multiple times with warnings. It is highly recommended to read these warnings and understand any changes being made as you will likely have to update the paths inside the apps (Sonarr, Radarr, etc) to point to the new directory locations.