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SSL Certificate

Generating Wildcard SSL Certificate

A wildcard certificate (* will be the default.

To change this, see Changing SSL Certificate SANs. Note that an individual certificate for each container will not be generated due to Let's Encrypts rate limit of 5 exact hostnames every 7 days.


This has only been tested using Cloudflare, so ymmv. This page is just to reference supported providers, their required Provider Code and Environment Variables. Do not follow any additional configuration links within Traefiks supported providers page, you only need the provider code and environment variables.


  • A supported DNS provider (e.g. Cloudflare), you can find supported providers here along with their settings
  • A valid Top-Level Domain (TLD), such as .com or .net, that Let's Encrypt is able to issue certificates for
  • API keys for the DNS provider with the correct permissions
    • If using Cloudflare, it needs Zone.DNS:Edit permissions for the correct zone. This can be the same key for Cloudflare DDNS in this project

The default configuration already has the correct Environment Variables for Cloudflare.

If also using Cloudflare, set the API key in cloudflare_api_token in inventory/group_vars/all/cloudflare.yml


Settings mentioned below should already exist in your inventory/group_vars/all/traefik.yml:

  • traefik_ssl_enabled : whether or not to generate a wildcard SSL certificate
  • traefik_ssl_dns_provider_zone : the zone of the DNS provider (e.g., this will default to the hms_docker_domain if not modified)
  • traefik_ssl_dns_provider_code : the "Provider Code" of the DNS provider (e.g. cloudflare, found at link above)
  • traefik_ssl_dns_provider_environment_vars : the "Environment Variables", along with their values, of the DNS provider you're using (e.g. "CF_DNS_API_TOKEN": "<token>" if using cloudflare, found at link above)
  • traefik_ssl_letsencrypt_email : the email address to use for Let's Encrypt
  • traefik_ssl_use_letsencrypt_staging_url : whether or not to use the Let's Encrypt staging URL for initial testing (yes or no) (default: yes)
    • Recommended to use if setting up for the first time so you do not encounter Rate-Limiting from Let's Encrypt
    • The certificate will say it is invalid within a browser, but if you check the issuer, it should come from the "Staging" server, meaning it worked successfully and you then change this value to no to use the production server and get a valid certificate.

Once the playbook has finished running, it may take up to a few minutes for the SSL certificate to be generated.

To view debug logs, set traefik_log_level to DEBUG and then re-run the playbook and run docker logs traefik -f. This can show you the status of the certificate generation request.

Changing SSL Certificate SANs

To change/add the SANs (Subject Alternative Name) used for the certificate, in inventory/group_vars/all/traefik.yml modify the traefik_ssl_sans variable.

By default, it will generate a wildcard certificate for the domain set in hms_docker_domain.

Here's an example of adding an additional *.dev.<domain> SAN to the certificate:

traefik_ssl_sans: [
'*.{{ hms_docker_domain }}',
'*.dev.{{ hms_docker_domain }}'